Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Stationary Rotation

My words are plain and simple. So, don't look for hidden meanings behind the letters. I'm only a slave of words and giving you an open invitation to the desert of ignorance, I call a brain. Take as much space as you want and bring your friends too. Hold on to your set, here we go :)

It's a stationary rotation in an empty space. No sound, or light but you can see it going round and round yet stated in one point trying to make a point. Trying to make sense out of nonsense. Trust my words it's a stationary rotation in the space of unknown. Stationary rotation going no where yet you try to follow it's rotation. A stationary rotation you run after try to catch it or stop it but trust me there is no use cause it does not exist not in our sense of comprehension at lest. Yet we believe it exist.

Now you are sick trying to catch up to it's rotation going insane trying to make sense out of nonsense. Funny though, there is a way to make sense out of nonsense. Stop trying to understand it and just go with it. Go in endless journey of point list rotation. A stationary journey will lead defiantly nowhere. First you will get sick of all that rotating but then you will get used to it. Round and round stated in one point without realizing you become another stationary rotation...

Now you think you understand. You feel at peace happy with no answer, happy with the nonsense of a stationary rotation. You look down at those who refuse to follow the nonsense and you find them drawing in questions and a killing ignorance, yet they refuse the nonsense of a stationary rotation. Maybe they lost but at lest they know who they are, although burning without an answer they are at peace.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dancing Stars

The sound of the ocean hitting the shore is music to my ear. I can feel the sand warmth beneath  me. It couldn't get any better but it did.

I watched the sky changing colors yellow, red, purple and blue. No artist can capture that magical change.  It's wasn't a clear sky but still just as beautiful. Between the clouds I saw them, two stars flickering and surfing side by side. They looked as if they were dancing. While I'm listening to hotel California by the eagles, I imagined them dancing and turning around with each flicker one of them take two step forward and the other one a step back. They were happy...

Now, one of them is fading away and the other one is flickering fast. As if it was begging it not go. A cloud came and covered it completely. Now it's alone, flying solo and flickering slowly. I thought I saw him crying, loaning to see his love again but I'm a sucker for romance so don't take my words for it... 

The lone star started to fade away too. With slow flickers, it started disappearing into the black purplish sky. I can't see them now, and somehow I know no matter how long I waited for them, they won't come back. However, I can only hope that now they can be together...