Monday, March 19, 2012

Biggest Mistake (I Love You)

Biggest mistake of my life, I don't have just one, I have a list -___-" ! Though, my mistake are uncountable, I'm only ashamed of few, and those few will torment me to the rest of my life.

My mistakes range from extremely embarrassing to totally illegal but I can't forgive myself for the ones involving my heart. I can't forgive myself for me putting my heart out there. I can't forgive myself for letting my heart vulnerable to getting heart by anyone. I can't forgive myself for saying I LOVE YOU !

I have always been preserving in saying it and toke my time before spelling it. However, sometime I'm overwhelmed by emotions and lose my senses. Then, I find myself regretting it, either because that person is not worth it or because it's not mutual. I don't know if I had poor judgment or I just don't like listening to the sound of reason in me. In both cases it always my fault, I fell for the wrong man and now I'm lost.

Sometime I think, I might hate myself secretly that's why I'm always setting myself up to get hurt. I start giving excuses to myself but the truth is, it's just another poor judgment I made. Though, my feelings might be real but my timing was wrong.

Another reason was,I put so much trust and hope in people I barely know and that's just a recipe for pain and betrayal. Then, I ask myself the stupid question of why is this happening to me?! -__- Stupid !

Maybe, I'm not as evil as I thought. Maybe, my heart is too pure and incontinent that's why it's too hard for me to understand people and too easy for me to fall for them.

In the end, I always own my mistake and try to change. Though, I usually fail but still get up and move on.


  1. Demo my crazy freind forever
    You have stand up again and to move on but leave ur mistake on the ground no need for them the lesson was done .the problem u deal with ppl incontcently U look usually for the bright side in the ppl u ignore the other side completely .u always forget that they r human being not angel anyway
    U learn enough no need for extra philosophy
    Just one thing keep it in ur mind usually safe better than sorry
    Great post armed ur self by believe in Allah
    And new begging with big smile

  2. your heart is too pure , but the heart around you is not . so because of that you feel that stupid feeling as you said . my sweet Demo never ever feel shame of your self ..I love you

    1. Love u more XD but add a nickname so I can thank you properly !

  3. My crazy Demo,

    All I can say is that I feel sorry for that fool who heard I love you from YOU and just walked away. If it was me, I would have kidnapped you in my car and did everything possible to marry you on the spot.
    Don't think for one second that he was worth it!!!!
    Move on girl and you will find a better man who treats you right and love you for the sweet, crazy, sexy ass girl you are (ahem, ahem, that's me LOL :))

    I have always loved your writing pretty and I love your picture and what you did to the blog.

    Yours Always,

  4. XD OMG thats so sweet of u !

    :) I will move on eventually, but i believe in using out all your option before giving up on someone...

    thanks loved your comment.

  5. sorry for writing in arabic>>
    هذه سنة الحياة..بعض الناس شياطين والآخرين ملائكة، هذه الحياة لن تخلو من قلب صادق صاف مخلص، يعرف معنى الحب والحياة السعيدة،لكن هناك من يلعبون بقلوب الناس واحاسيسهم، فيعتقدون ان الاخرين خائنين مثلهم،
    يجب على المرء منا ان يبحث بشكل دقيق عن كل امرؤ يشاركه افراحه واتراحه، كل الناس زملاء ومعارف، وليس الكل أصدقاء، وليس كل الأصدقاء أصفياء..
    ربما تخوننا التعابير والناس من حولنا،لكن يبقى دائما هناك بصيص أمل، يبقى هناك أشخاص مستعدين أن يشعلوا أصابعهم شمعا لينيروا لنا طريق الأمل ويزيحوا عنا الحزن والملل، فهؤلاء الأشخاص نادرين في هذه الحياة وصعب الحصول عليهم،لكن ليس مستحيل..
    وهناك مقولة...كل الناس أصدقائي لكن ليس كلهم إخواني..
