Saturday, September 1, 2012

Ignoscentia 00100

He spoke words of passion, judging what I have done. He Forgot it was all just a reaction ! I reacted normally like any hurt and wounded animal. Screamed, fought and finally gave up. Retreated back to my shell, licked my wound and tried to fix what he has done. Kept my distance and portentous of who he really is on  the inside. I realized, he is a two faced man and I was just too clear for his deception and too frank for his lies. He changed his mind and reached back to me. I revealed my teeth and offended he has become, for I did not pick up his bait this time. It was only natural instinct to be scared of the person who have hurt you. Not only once but more than you can count.

Sadly he is too delusional to understand what I have wrote or implied. Guess, I'm just too smart for him after all...