Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Limbo of Disbelievers

In between sleep and awake, a trip I used take. A bumpy old road I used to hate cause goblins  and golems used to creep. It's been a while since I've been there but here I am. A familiar old friend I see, with hollow eyes he greet me and with his smile, his eyes emerge from their darkness. They say "The eyes are the window to the soul" but what would you think the eyes of a creature with no soul look like ?!

"It's been while you got lost in wonderland" he said

"Why don’t deal with your hell and leave me deal with mine, Mr. Cheshire"  I replied

And just in time there comes the raven form another horror classic singing "Nevermore will I love again, nevermore will I kill again, nevermore will I enjoy eating your heart"

"I thought there was two of those damned birds ?" I was wondering to my eyeless friend…

"There still, but one of them inside the other one…" he replied…

"I guess cannibalism will always be a theme in this alter universe ?!" mocking...

"Says more about you than us, why don't you walk around and see how it differs now that you "think" you are cured …"  Showing me that old grin...

"I might as well do bitch ! " passing him beyond, further into nowhere, into what could be oblivious .

I find myself in garden of thrones where a man is in pain, oddly I don’t find myself wanting to help. Now that I think of it maybe deep down I'm not as helpful as I thought. As I watched him scream in pain the thrones start blossoming fire, now I know he's in labor, he's giving birth. A man is giving birth, does not shock me, I'm more intrigued by the fire flowers. I could see the baby now, if you can call it that, it's not human it's a foal. Still I'm not surprised because it's a man giving birth I had hunch it's not going to be human. Now the fire flowers are running out tuning into ashes. I started singing "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, the man and his horse have turned to rust".

I don't know where I was, I know it's just an insomniac hallucination. It's just been a while and I do miss those insomniac trips maybe they were my drugs. I guess, I shouldn't judge. That been said it does  proof  that the answer to all your disbelieves lies within you.

I want to see those fire flowers again.

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