Friday, January 14, 2011

1+1= 0

Revelation About Logic..
It's the power of ill-logic that dominant every aspect of our lives, and that is my new revelation. As hard as we pretended, try to make sense of the no sense, and hope that reality will not kick us in the butt. It will always do the question is and will always remain how much are we willing to admit?!

The Dilemma of Faith...
I go back and forth in faith. I test god, I test his patience, I test how far I can go with my vanity before, the mighty one, struck me dead. Is it that I have a secret wish to die or Is that I have no faith in GOD!?
Can we call god he or she? use his or her? If not what should I use?! What should I say?! Lot's of questions without answers and probably lot's of answers left missing cause we are to scared to look for them...
I guess this what scared me the most questions left unanswered. Is there a specific phobia for that?! What would it be called :D tell me in the comment.

Wash Away Your Sins...
Going back and forth with my faith look for no answer. I'm looking for a relieve...
Isn't that what agonize the human race from the beginning of time?! Why are we here?! What are we supposed to do?!
Some say that it's randomness, it's a random coincidence that made us exist in this universe. Also since Chaos brought us, in chaos we will leave as Nostradamus predicts. All heavenly books and the earthly ones although write a different beginnings, end with the same structure of destruction.

The Suffering of a Planet...
What a POOR planet you have no escape?! It's like they all know what crimes they have done toward you and so to relieve their worries they blame destiny in all it's shapes.
Why there is no end to where humans can live happily ever after on this earth without the need for it to be destroyed?!
Why there is no ending where the earth is clean from every organic matter living or not as long as it cause pain and suffering to others?!
Why there is no ending where the earth is back to being a virgin before anyone raping her....


  1. Hi sweetie
    Really I miss Ur blog
    Anyway about this post, u seems to be confused and drove me to confusion as will
    First of all u talked about logic...
    Logic in our society affected by many factors the most imps. Culture, habits and u have to respect level of edu.
    the dilemma of faith (when u r confused or busy do not think in religion too much this is only advice coz most of the time it end by regret)

    About the rest of the post we know exactly why we are here and what we have to do? This is logic but we prefer to fight and play around (human nature) just look forward u will know what u have to do? I'm sure it's easy for u ;)

    finally : when u have a lot of things (ideas) in ur mind organize it and think about it according to ur logic not others ( u can ask 4 help if u need no any kind of offending in it)
    And try to solve it one by one,,, be attention to ur health and ur brain (emotion)

    i hope i understand what u mean?
    i available 4 u all the time)

  2. As always, I enjoy your posts even if I don't agree with them entirely..

    Regarding the "Faith" part, do we have to ask all those questions??

    Best Regards..

  3. Hey Philosopher, I missed ur comments too
    well, I thought this post is more connected than any of my post. It talk about the dimensional existence of humans both materialistically and spiritually. I hope u can see it in a new prospective now :P

    NH, welcome
    to answer ur Q; it's not about what we have or have not did. It's more like do u need to ask and do u always need an answer.
    the more I ask more stronger my believe gets...
    I hope I answered ur Q :D
