Monday, December 5, 2011

At the Worse Moment in Your Life

There are moments in life where you feel hopeless and helpless. Though, try to get out , think of a solution or even ask for help you find yourself alone and defeated. Your spirt is almost broken and your life is slipping away. 
Then I realized the only way to win is to survive and embrace every second of unhappiness. Live life to the fullest, this was my revelation and my road to eternal salvation. 

Good or bad  it's all worth living. A wasted time,  is the second you live without learning and evolving into a better self and a new existence.   

If you reached your dreams, you won nothing cause you just got what you deserve, there is no lesson learned in it. You worked hard so you got what you worked for. The true meaning of life comes from loosing, lostness, and defeat. From them comes the true meaning of life cause life is not fair its mean, cruel and vindictive.   

Knowing and believing in that, it should  leave you at peace with yourself. Knowing that you are powerless when it comes to heart matters make forgiving yourself easier. Knowing that the fault comes from being human, not from being you, makes it easier to accept your flaws. For they come from your nature not your wrong judgement. 

At the end we own our actions but not always own the motive behind them. 

So remember, forgiveness comes from within. 

1 comment:

  1. Love it because it's almost true . Our humen nature is a risk factor for making mistakes and life isn't easy always obstacles comes . Faith in God then ourselves and hard work is our answers :)
