Friday, November 9, 2012

Self - Actualization

As a part of fixing my self, I'm siting in front of a mirror trying to take a good look at myself. Of course I start hurting my self with my own insecurities. My head is too big, my nose is huge, my ears look like Dumbo's ears. Fuck I look like Dumbo, then I wake up from my self-conscious hallucinations and realize it should be more like soul search than my mind fuck. After losing all of my self confidence -_-" I start seeing who I am on the inside...

I have to be honest and admit that I don't like the mess I see inside. I can see where I have done wrong, I let the worse of it get the best of me. I forgot who I'm supposed to be, I forgot what I have accomplished so far, and I forgot who I am. I let his problems define me, his rejection overwhelm me, and his stupidity rule me. I could have been the worst thing that happened to him. Yeah, If he thinks that I showed him hell, he's mistaken, I just opened a window on my Tartarus. However, that ended without seeing the best of it. Enough about him, this should be about me...

When I look at myself, I see the girl who lost, her family, her dream, and herself. It was an accumulative effect no ones fault but me. I don't believe in myself, I lost my fire but at lest I can admit it. I let myself slip through the cracks and I lost that spark in my eyes that spark that kept me going when things got dark...

To be honest I hate who I became, or whom I let myself become because of few pumps and heartbreaks along what can be a really long and lonely road. However, I'm still standing and my story have still not ended...

1 comment:

  1. الاسلوب اكثر من رائع..لكن ما هذا التشاؤم!!
    عيش حياتك بما فيهـــــــــــا ولاتـخف من ساكنيهـــــــا

    ولا تستسلم وتيأس وتنهزم وكـن انـت البـطل فيهـــــــا

    ان كان الناس ذئبـــــــــــــــــا فـكـن انـت الاسـد فيهــــــا

    وان كـــــــانت حربـــــــــــــــــا عـليـك ان تكـون حاميهــــا

    وان كـــــــانت سلمــــــــــــــا فـكـن انـت بـاديهــــــــــــــا

    فلو كــانت الكرامة او الـموت فمت موفوع الراس فيهــــا

    ولاتنظر الى الامس بحسرة بل قل غدا ساكون اليهــــا

    ولا تنسى وتذكر دومــــــــــا تجربة تعبت في تخطيهــــا

    حتى اذا واجهتـك ثانيــــــــة تعرف كيـــــف تفاديهـــــــــا

    فالحيـــــاة مهما كــانت مرة ستجد فيهـا ما يحليهـــــــا

    ويجعلك مرة اخرى تبـتسـم ويجعل الامل طريقا لك فيها

    ويوجد الكثير من المخلصين في هذه الدميا..فقد يودون لو تتاح لهم الفرصة لمد يد المساعدة, وانارة الطريق لك باصابعهم
