Wednesday, November 14, 2012

White Chocolate

White chocolate, most people know it's not really chocolate but they keep calling it "chocolate". I used to hate that ! If it's not chocolate don't call it chocolate. I was very deference about it, still a bit deference but for whole different reason...

I used to have a dentition to everything, I go by set of rules to control me and keep me centered. Then, my world was turned up side down that damned night and my world went into complete chaos. I no longer believe in rules or dentition, and I decided to look to things differently. Told myself, lets start with " white chocolate ".

I went to a store and got a bar of white chocolate. Opened the bar and kept looking at for hours then it started to melt. I played with it, smelt it, licked my finger, damn ! It taste, smells and feels like chocolate, why was I so stubborn about it ! So what, if it's not made out of full cocoa, they used it's butter at lest.I guess, I was a racist but I finally grew out of it.

To be honest, I respect white chocolate now. Despite the fact that everyone remind her, that she is not a real chocolate, she still feels, smells and tastes like chocolate. So what I am not a real chocolate, you still find me tasty. This is what I hear when I hold white chocolate in my hand. I smile and take a big bite of it and I thank her for showing me a different side of the story...

In fact nowadays, whenever I have white and dark chocolate together, I keep the white chocolate for the last because I love it now...


  1. tasty! indeed ;)
    i like this post..

  2. تعبير جميل جدا..الكتابة ذات رونق مميز..واختيار الكلمات مرتب..
    لكن لم تصلني الفكرة بشكل واضح
    ربما أطرح عنوان عن هذه المقالة بعبارة "ليس كل اسم يدل عن مكنونه"
    اذا صح التعبير
