Monday, December 31, 2012

A Post Every Day for 2013 !

Like every year we make a lot of promises for the new year but keep little. So, I'm gonna try to challenge myself this year and see if I can commit to at lest this; I'm going to write a post every day during 2013. It may not be important or maybe it will be just a crazy rant but it will be fun and sometimes funny.

Plus, you can follow my life which may not be funny and sometimes a bit melodramatic but you can share your opinion and maybe even learn from my mistakes. With the hectic life of a medical intern, it will be very hard but I'll do my best.

So, lets hope that 2013 and will bring happiness, love and joy to all of you and me....


  1. Demoooo 7abeebty happy new year, yes 2013 insha'aAllah bring happiness to you ya 7loo, Dania ^__^

  2. نشكرك على مشاركتك لنا تجربتك ومشاعرك اليومية..التي سوف تجلب لنا الفائدة والخبرة،
    وفي بداية هذه السنة..اتمنى للجميع ان يحقق ما يتمناه ويصبو اليه، وان نبذل جميعا الاسباب لتحقيق طموحاتنا واهدافنا.
    "من طلب العلا نام الليالي ***وسحب البطانيه وقال انا مالي

    خذ الصفر ولاتبالي ***فأن الصفر من شيمة الرجالي"
    ودمتم بود ومحبة
