Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Story About a Little Wild Star

     This is a story about a little wild star who thought she figured it all. She was free with no care in the world. The little wild star had caring parents; the sun and the moon were her parents. They cared and loved her, and thought they can keep her safe from all the demons and sorrow in the world. However, the little wild star thought they were restricting her freedom and keeping her on short leash. She never knew there are ugly souls and demons in this world...

     Every now and then, the little wild star would break the rules that the sun and the moon have set to protect the little wild star. The little star would feel a great whenever she breaks a rule thinking that this is what freedom mean. Not knowing she was risking a lot. Until one day she lost her luck. Her mother, the moon, have told her not go into the earth, for the earth is filled with scary monster and ugly souls and told her to wait the sun to come and shine on the earth. But the little wild star did not like what the moon said and thought she can handle whatever hardship the earth might bring. She thought she has strength to fight the demons...

     The little wild star sneaked out to go on an adventure exploring earth and what's hidden there. If you looked through her eyes back then, you would see rainbows, butterflies, unicorns and fairies. She was just a child after all. Excited and thinking she owned the earth and what stories of bravery she would tell to her mother the moon, not knowing at the time that a couple of evil eyes were watching her from far. Those dead hallow eyes belonged to one of the ugly souls her mother never told her about but was always trying to protect her from. The little wild star was distracted by the earth beauty; meanwhile those eyes were still watching waiting for the right time to steal that little star innocent...

     In the blink of an eye, the little wild star innocent smile was stolen by the ugly soul. The little wild star was lucky to escape with what's left of her herself and flew back to the safe home she know in the sky. She no longer had that innocent smile, so she toke a tear from her eye and drew a fake smile to fool everyone around. And so she did, her parents never noticed what's left her soul nor she would let anyone go deep enough to see that she is wearing a fake smile...


  1. I love it ... keep going

    red :)

  2. حين يعترينا الحزن والملل ..

    فنبحث هنا وهناك ..

    ترى أين هو ؟ ؟؟

    نجوب أزقة الكون .. نبحث بين ثنايا السنبل المتفتح ..

    نعبر بحار الأرض وشواطئها .. أين هو ؟ أين هي ؟

    أين تلك الشعلة المتوهجة فينا ؟

    مابالها قد خمدت وأنطفئت نيرانها ؟

    شعلتي .. أين أنتِِ ؟؟ وأين أنا من كل هذا ؟؟ ..

    شعلتي أتسمعينني ؟! .. شعلتي هل لا زلت حبيسة تلك الجدران ؟؟

    هل لا أزال مطبقة عليك حتى كدت أخنق أنفاسكِ ؟

    شعلتي .. ما بالك لا تردين جوابا ؟

    وما بالي قد مللت السؤالا ؟

    لا يجب أن نستسلم لمن هم على هذه الأرض، يجب أن ندافع وأن ندافع تلك العيون المرعبة والهالات المخيفة..
    يجب أن تتذكري حقيقة علمية: أبدا ودائما أن النجم أقوى وأكبر من كوكب الأرض..
    ودمتم بود ومحبة
