Sunday, February 20, 2011

Anarchy I Want It to Be

The flames of revolutions is spreading, and people finally repealing against tyranny and injustice. It started in Tunisia, then Egypt, and now it's in Yemen, Bahrain, Morocco and Italy. God only knows who's next :P so be ready. I'm glad cause it's been a long time since anything good came out of the middle east and look at us we are exporting revolutions, how cool is that?! :D

Someone should really explain to Arabs rulers what dose a republic mean :S cause I don't think that Ali Abdullah Saleh understand. Mr. Saleh you don't "step down" you have been a president for to damn long. 33 year :S, you do remember Mr. Saleh, Yemen still a democratic republic. Also, you should take a lesson from Mr. Mubark, I mean who are you trying to fool with those "civilian allies" of yours. It was obvious they were bought consciences, from your so called "army" better called mercenaries. I can't help to think 10 years from now, what would those men tell their kids?! would they say we fought for your dignity and freedom or we fought for our country?

In the gulf region we lake "true" patriotism and I insist on "true". It's not wearing the color of your flag or going out on rallies in the national day without even knowing why it's a national day. Patriotism is far more than singing your national anthem in the morning. Unfortunately, I can't tell you what it is because I have yet to experience it. I brought this topic up because, what happened in Bahrain deeply upsets me. What if it happened here?! would the army exterminate us as if we where worthless insect. If so, how we can stay or be patriotic toward a country that consider our life to be worthless just due to slight disagreement which the constitution stand by us on it. However, thank god, this will never happen in my country. First, we don't have a constitution, thank god, constitutions are for secular idiots to protect their rights. Second, if any disagreement occurred we don't get the army involved, we send the secret services and they take them to an undisclosed location to the rest of their lives :D

Last but not least, Mr. Al Gaddafi your news light up my day. You are the only man who understood revolution with all it's aspect :P. However, one question consume my mind. If you were not part of the government and that the government is corrupted not you, what makes you think that by protesting on the streets you can win more than what you could in office and if so what's the use of being a president if you can't at least fix corruptions. I would recommend, you stay the leader of a revolution and leave Libya work it's problems, OK?! :D

That's why long time ago I decided, I want to live in an anarchy cause what's the point of governments if all what they do is steal and dictate how should and should not my life go...


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