Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It's a Party in My Head - Part 2

People this is not a drill. I'm hearing voices, so run for your life. Nooo, it's just a joke :D but my friend Ms. Rum Rum thinks I should not say thing like that cause people will believe it. Now, me being so twisted, I was like so what?! i don't care. I never claimed to be sane nor I ever wanted to be one. I have learned that all the crazy people are at peace and the so called sane one are not. I honestly believe that it's because we all are fucked up inside and the different between the sane and the crazy individual is that crazy people have stopped pretending they are fine while the sane ones still struggling with reality. Let's not take this any longer and go to our topic which is the people in my head...

Last time it told you I manged to make one of them cry and ever since I had a crying voice and two arguing in the back of my head. However, for some reason I am starting to get used to their present in my head but the headache still kills me sometimes. Anyway, I still have a couple of voices free hours every now and then and instead of enjoying them i decided to try talking to them when the are quite. So, this is what happened.....

My voice: will you nice voices in my head talk to me?! pleas :)
...... "nothing"
My voice: I'm welling to listen I swear :D
...... "nothing"
My voice: either one of you answer or I'm going to smash my head into the wall :@ I'm serious.
as I was about to bang my head into my bedroom wall....
Voice no.2: STOP!, don't do it you will hurt your head.
My voice: why do you care it's my head, and don't pretended that you care cause if you did you would not have drove me to the edge of insanity :@
Voice no.2: I'm sorry but you brought it on your self .
My voice: sure I did by talking to you :@>>> I'm really cranky :S
Voice no.2: you asked to talk, I did not start the conversation, you did.
My voice: really, are you going to play this game with me.
Voice no.2: I don't play games, I only state facts.
My voice: I like that but I hate you , anyway who the hell I'm talking to this time??!
Voice no.2: I'm someone you now and cherish :)
My voice: :S, will give me a break. I'm talking to my self .
Voice no.2: hahaha, well I thought you would recognize me right away but I understand you must be tired . I'm the sound of reason and logic .
My voice: No joke, really there is something really wrong with me.
Voice no.2: I know .
My voice: :@ OK, give me a logical explanation to what is happening to me :S
Voice no.2: well you see, you are me and I'm part of you. I can not know what you don't know nor I can tell you what you don't want to hear.
My voice: so, basically you are of no good to me, are you?! let me speak to someone else.
Voice no.2: :S you manged to break your heart and the other one is still mad at you
My voice: who is the other one ??
Voice no.2: of course you don't know cause you never care.
My voice: either you talk to me or I will crack my head open :@
Voice no.2: easy girl, there is no need for threats. the other one is your conscience and the reason why we were arguing is cause it want to die.
My voice: I thought I killed it already :S why it still there?
Voice no.2: you are one hopless girl
My voice: I know :D
Voice no.3: why do you hate me so much :'(
My voice: who are you ? I can't see you remember.
Voice no.3: I'm your conscience....
My voice: Oh, still there just go and kill your self, will you?!>>>> suddenly the noise got louder and louder .
My voice: stop just stop, I'm sorry just stop it.>>> it stopped
Voice no.2: you can't live without conscience you know that, don't you ?!
My voice: I know :@ but I wish I could cause then i won't have any worries or fears ...
Voice no.2: is that what you really think ? your conscience is not the source of your fears and worries. It comes from your actions and reflected on your conscience not the other way around .
My voice: WoW you are good :) OK, so what is the problem with my "conscience" ?! why it want to die?
Voice no.2: cause your conscience thinks you don't care for him .
My voice: it's true, I don't, what's new about that :S
Voice no.2: well, if you are not welling to do the right thing we will stay arguing until you reach an answer.
My voice: is that a threat :@
Voice no.2: No, but no one can help you if you are not welling to help your self.
My voice: there is no winning with you , is it ?
Voice no.2: can any one win an argument with them self !!
My voice: OK, so what I'm supposed to do ?
Voice no.2: you know the answer to that...
My voice: confess my sins, is that it ?
Voice no.2: your conscience just want a relief, any kind of relief.
My voice: OK, tell my conscience I will confess very soon but not today.
I promise.....

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited about ur Confess ? I really enjoyed reading this conversation :)
