Friday, August 27, 2010

My Gang - Ms.RumRum

I was thinking, what is the best way to describe Ms.RumRum with remaining fair and square. It turned out there is no good words to do so. Maybe cause I don't know her well although I met her before Ms.S and Philosopher. I want to believe it's because we have a lot in common or maybe too much differences either way I'm thankful that I met her. I will write this post in a before and after meaner cause I want Ms.RumRum to know my true feelings about her, how they changed, and why?!

Ms.RumRum before 4th year....

I don't remember the exact 1st time I told myself " I dislike this girl" but I think, it was over postponing an exam. She wanted not to postpone it, I wanted to do so. What really bothers me was the tone of arrogancy in her voice and the over confidant stand. The sharp looks she gave people but OMG she has really beautiful eyes :S or maybe it's her eyeliner XD. She thinks, she is the best maybe she is but no need to let people know that. I know one thing at the time which it was I don't like that girl and I don't want anything to do with her....
3rd year came and it's time to form the groups for 4th year. Now, me, Ms.S, and philosopher are good friends. Philosopher suggested Ms.RumRum for the group and I did not like the idea but I was in the mood for " not judging people without knowing them personally". I was trying hard to convince myself there is more beyond what my eyes see. And so she became one of the group but not one of us....

Ms.RumRum after 4th year....

Ms.RumRum was most close to Philosopher but not to me or to Ms.S. Right then I started to think this girl has some trust issue :S. I honestly think, she walked next to us just when Philosopher was there and never talked with us unless Philosopher was there. I felt as if she did not want to be with me, since it's kind of hard to dislike Ms.S :P. The more I observed the more question came up to my head. Why is she always alone?! why she does not even try to get close to us since she already like Philosopher?! why won't she trust anyone?! I really hated the fact that she is not trying to make any efforts to show us who she really is. I thought she wanted to take MaMa Philosopher from us but MaMa Philosopher kept saying that Ms.RumRum has a heart of gold and I would say something stupid like" I don't like gold :P". One day the 4 of us were walking to prepare our case presentation, I felt as if she changed her mind, and she walked away from us. I toke a glimpse over my shoulder at her, looking at her walk away, she looked lonely. I felt bad why didn't any of us go with her?! why am I being judgmental towered her :@?!. That's it, she is going to like me and I'm going to look beyond my sight. Thank god I did :)

After, the After....

Ms.RumRum is a perfectionist, and those people demand to much of them selves therefore expect the same perfectionism from others. So, if you were intimidated by her it's only cause you can seance her high expectation and you know you are no match for it. I found out that she lives in a world of idealism, so perfect that even she find it difficult to live in. This idealism make her vulnerable to getting hurt and let down by others, therefore she lost her trust in people and I don't blame her for it. However, if you can look beyond your fears, like I did, and make the first step towards her. She will not let you down. She doesn't have a heart of gold, she has a heart of diamonds. People of her innocence are hard to find and it's kinda refreshing to be around someone so innocent and pure, like she is. I love the fact that she is strong and stand her grounds all the time, although it drives me crazy that she won't give up. I get an unimaginable joy out of fighting with her. I know that Ms.RumRum and I will never see eye to eye on anything but she will be there for me if I go side way and I will be there for her when reality crushes her idealism. After knowing her, I realized that arrogant tone of voice is just confidence and if you get to know her will you will realize it's not OVER confidence. She deserve it, no wait, she earned it through hard work and commitment in her life and work.
Since I met her, or lets say got to know her better, I have one regret which is " why didn't I try to be her friend earlier?!"


  1. I like your nice words about her .
    she has sweet heart ,and nice emotions
    She has one problem which is her idealism
    Really I'm afraid about her .we are in so bad world it's completely different than her world

    love sooo much RUM RUM

  2. Ms.Rum Rum is a uniqe person , hard to find these days , I am so happy that I had the houner to meet her and be one of her friend ; ms.Demo u have described the story of knowing her in an excellent way .
    I am so Glad that I have you (Ms.Demo ,Ms.philosopher and Ms.RumRum) as my friends , I am realy a lucky person , I Love u all So Much :)

  3. Finally me...;)

    Thanx soo much Amani I am out of words better than these letters describe words will ever mean to me more than what u wrote now...
    u give me more than i deserve..i like ur honestly in telling how was ur feeling actually ppl usually miss understanding me or maybe i should try to show up my reality with all bad & goood things..

    Thanx for being my friend,,& thanx to the one who let me know u,,thanx Khould...:)

    LOVE you All

  4. OMG u just discribed her very clear oooh ,, I love her idealism and her confidant may be these are the things made me liked her .. love u rum rum .. thank u amani nice post ...and ya defiantly she has charming eyes (:
