Friday, July 23, 2010

Why Do I Prefer Funerals Over Weddings ?

Recently, I have gone to a funeral of friend and to a wedding of a friend and as I sit in the dark corner of my room looking at my reflection in the mirror , my heir looks great BTW XD, I started thinking what 's the similarity between wedding and funerals??! I know what you all thinking there isn't any similarity. Well , me being sooo twisted I found some :D.

First, both gather people for the end of something
weddings >>> end of freedom
funerals>>> end of life

Second, in both you expect to see someone crying
wedding>>> mother of the bride or groom
funerals>>> family of the deceased and sometimes people with absolute no relation to the deceased!!! :S

Third, in both you expect to see someone in white
wedding>>> the bride
funerals>>> the deceased

Fourth, in both you expect to find food to eat

Fifth, both got loud speaker
wedding>>> music
funerals>>> Quran

Sixth, both end the same>>> people leave the place in a total mess

Seventh, both get women gossiping about someone or something, the day after

but I think there is one different that I like about funerals >>> is that I don't have to wear make up :P
if u think i missed any similarity pleas add them in the comments
P.S. it's kinda lame post, i know


  1. Both are demonstrations of strong emotions
    wedding>>> joy usually!!
    Funerals>>> sorrow usually!!

    Cute post, entertaining and witty I must say, not the least bit lame though!

  2. well...if i read this post in alwaq waq land..i am sure i will figure ot easily Amany my friend is the writer...stop craeting new impressions about well known beleifs..let me say...all these similarities are similar externally but with complete differant meanings..e.g: no way to comprare betwwen the loud sound of Quran & music..there's a big differance between why we cry in the wedding & why in the funerals...Look further dear..funerals make us loook much further to our disnity..

    By the way..marrige in KSA is nt the end of woman's freedom..our freedom is already aborted..& the marriage is a death over death.....

    Ms.Rum Rum
